Shorten the distance between production data and insight (Ep541)
original address:Shorten the distance between production data and insight (Ep. 541) (opens new window)
On this sponsored episode of the podcast, we talk with Stanimira Vlaeva, Developer Advocate at MongoDB, and Fredric Favelin, Technical Director, Partner Presales at MongoDB, about how a serverless database can minimize the distance between producing data and understanding it.
Modern networked applications generate a lot of data—every business wants to make the most of that data. Most of the time, that means moving production data through some transformation process to get it ready for the analytics process. But what if you could have in-app analytics? What if you could generate insights directly from production data?
On this sponsored episode of the podcast, we talk with Stanimira Vlaeva, Developer Advocate at MongoDB, and Fredric Favelin, Technical Director, Partner Presales at MongoDB, about how a serverless database can minimize the distance between producing data and understanding it.
Episode notes:
Stanimira talked a lot about using BigQuery with MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud Run. If you need to skill up on these three tools, check out this tutorial (opens new window).
Once you’ve got the hang of it, get your data connected (opens new window) with Confluent Connetors.
With Atlas, you can transform your data in JavaScript (opens new window).
Connect with Stanimira on LinkedIn (opens new window) and Twitter (opens new window).
Connect with Fredric on LinkedIn (opens new window). Congrats to Stellar Question winner SubniC (opens new window) for Get name of current script in Python (opens new window).